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12 juni 2002

CPAS Special Seminar “India-Pakistan Tensions: Root Causes and Consequences”

CPAS Special Seminar “India-Pakistan Tensions: Root Causes and Consequences”by Associate Prof. Ishtiaq Ahmed, Department of Political Sciences, Stockholm University & Mr. Ravinder Pal Singh, Senior Research Fellow, CPAS, Stockholm University, Formerly Research Fellow at SIPRI

Military tension between India and Pakistan could lead to risk of imminent conventional conflict which could escalate to a nuclear exchange through mistake or miscalculation on either side. If the Rubicon of nuclear weapons is crossed in South Asia, besides causing unprecedented loss of lives, it will open up possibilities of use of nuclear weapons elsewhere. The special seminar will explore root causes and consequences of this potentially most dangerous military confrontation.

Prof. Ishtiaq Ahmed, Department of Political Sciences, researches on politics of South Asia, political Islam in world politics, human rights, multiculturalism and on ethnicity, identity and nationalism. His major works include, State, Nation, and Ethnicity in Contemporary South Asia, Pinter Publishers: 1996&1998 (2nd edition), The Conept of an Islamic State in Pakistan: An Analysis of Ideological Controversies, Vanguard Publishers: 1991, and forthcoming article (spring 2002), ‘Nuclear Explosions of May 1998 in South Asia and the Peace Movement in the Diaspora: The Role of Intellectuals’.

Mr. Ravinder Pal Singh is currently Senior Research Fellow at CPAS, for a project ‘Toward Democratic Asia: Transparency and Accountability of Security Policies in Asia’. Formerly he was Project leader at Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) on ‘Arms Procurement Decision Making Processes’ project, and edited two volumes of Arms Procurement Decision Making (Oxford University Press: Oxford, 1998 and 2001). Mr. Singh has written and published articles extensively on arms control and disarmament issues. He is also consultant with UNDP on security sector reforms.

Date & Time: Wednesday, 12 June, kl. 14:00-16:00
Venue: Aulan, Kräftriket 4, 2F (top floor), Stockholm University
Language: English

Kindly RSVP to, tfn: 08-16 28 97, fax: 08-16 88 10

Masako Ikegami-Andersson, Associate Professor, Director
Center for Pacific Asia Studies (CPAS), Dept. of Oriental Languages, Stockholm University
Phone: +46-8-162899 (direct), Fax: +46-8-168810


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