Forskningspris till Sten Grillner
Professor Sten Grillner vid institutionen för neurovetenskap, Karolinska Institutet, har fått Stiftelsen IPSENs Neuronal plasticity prize för år 2003.
Han delar prissumman på 40 000 euro med Serge Rossignol, Montreal, och François Clarac, Marseille. Priset ges till forskare som på ett avsevärt sätt bidragit till forskningen om neuronal plasticitet.
Professor Sten Grillners arbete omskrivs på följande sätt:
Throughout his career he has been fascinated by how come that our brains can make us move in such an elegant way with great speed when needed and at other times with unbelievable precision. This is achieved through neuronal networks predesigned to solve many aspects of our daily life. His focus is the cellular and molecular bases of motor behaviour and the intrinsic function of these networks, and how movements are built by groups of interacting nerve cells, now using the lamprey nervous system as an experimental model.
För mer information, kontakta:
Professor Sten Grillner, Karolinska Institutet,
tel 08-5248 6900 eller mail: